From MediaTakeOut
Get ready for the break up of the year y'all . . . a very reliable insider tells us that rapper Wiz Khalifah is ready to end his longtime relationship/"marriage" with his babys moms Amber Rose. And it's gonna be messy!! Continue...
The insider told that during his tour, Wiz has gotten accustomed to sleeping with GROUPIES - and he's ready to be single again. The snitch told, "Don't get me wrong, Wiz loves her and she's a cool [girl]. But he needs to be single right now."
So why is it MESSY??? Well the insider told us that Amber has been PRETTY OPEN WITH WIZ during their many arguments - that if he leaves, she's getting the most VICIOUS LAWYER IN THE WORLD - and is gonna hit him for the MAXIMUM CHILD SUPPORT that she can get.
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