Glo drops Naeto C, Lynxxx as brand ambassadors, signs Wizkid
Yesterday, MTN announced that they had dropped Wizkid, Timaya and Sean
Tizzle, D'Prince as their brand ambassadors. But according to what I
gathered, Wizkid actually moved to Globacom 4 weeks ago after
complaining that M…Read More
Twitter users mock Kylie Jenner over her Father’s Day tweet….
Lol…well she started it with this tweet. She forgot she
now has two mums? The 17 year old tweeted that she had to make it home
on time for Father’s Day and twitters users mocked her, asking her what
father she was refer…Read More
PHOTO: IK Ogbonna and Sonia Morales welcome son
Isn't he like the most beautiful baby you've ever seen? Actor and model
IK Ogbonna has welcomed a son with his stunning Colombian girlfriend,
Sonia Morales. Sonia gave birth this morning June 20th. Mother and child
…Read More
Shocking reasons why ladies disliike c0ndom
It’s extensively believed that in the case of intimacy and s*xual
relationship, most males desire to do it with out using a c0ndom.
Humorous? sufficiently males are usually not the only perpetrator as
statistics have pro…Read More
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