Checkout the World's Smallest Bible
The World's tiniest bible has just been released.It contains the entire New Testament ,and is so smallthat fits in your pocket - and on your fingernail too.
The new invention created by the Jerusalem Nano Bible company …Read More
Photos: Kim K rocks a N3,500 dress
It's not dollars's Naira. The rich reality star who's famous for
wearing really expensive designer dresses dressed down in this dress she
said she bought online for $19. And she still looks good in it.
Contin…Read More
Drake finally responds to the Chris Brown/ Diddy rumours
In recent days,Drake has been hounded by rumours. First was Chris Brown calling him out for having secret dates with Karruche, then It's reported that Pdiddy punched him for being disrespectful.
As he says"eithe…Read More
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