9 Things ALL Men Want But They Are Afraid To Ask
1 *What’s with the shoes? And the perfumes?-men understand that your
shoes have to match or compliment whatever you wear but do you really
need all those pairs of shoes? A dozen is more than enough but, no, you
want …Read More
7 Horrible things couples always do after s ex
It’s just one of those mistakes that couples often commit soon after
enjoying an intimate session with their partner. They might have made
all the necessary efforts to satisfy their partner in b ed, but just one
litt…Read More
S3x tips for men — 5 exercises to improve your s3x life!
Have you ever wondered how things you do in the gym could affect your s3x life? The truth is that the fitter you are, the better your s3x life is going to be. Here are 10 exercises that can boost a man’s s3x life:
1. Bench…Read More
Is sugar killing your libido?
Sweet things may be a pleasure but they could also be killing off your other pleasures - especially those in the bedroom!
Source: BetterHealth…Read More
How Coca-Cola affects your body when you drink it
Sugary drinks are considered a major contributor to health conditions such as obesity, type 2 diabetes and tooth decay. But have you ever wondered exactly what these beverages do to your body after consumption? One research…Read More
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