But some of you may think, actors… they have it easy right? They get paid a lot of money and all they have to do is look good and recite some lines. But that’s not always the case. These are some seriously famous actors who had a brush with death on the set of big budget movies:
1. Sylvester Stallone
You’d think that after decades of blowing stuff up, jumping out of planes, trains and automobiles and showing bad guys what’s what, Sylvester Stallone would have had a dangerous incident earlier in his career.
In fact, the first truly dangerous moment came fairly late in his career. At the ripe old age of 63, Stallone was filming ‘The Expendables’ with colleague Stone Cold Steve Austin, when the fight got so intense that Stallone received serious injuries.
In a statement regarding the fight and subsequent injuries, Stallone was quoted to have said: “Actually, my fight with Stone Cold Steve Austin was so vicious that I ended up getting a hairline fracture in my neck. I’m not joking. I haven’t told anyone this, but I had to have a very serious operation afterwards. I now have a metal plate in my neck.”
2. George Clooney
This tale of George Clooney’s tragedy had long lasting, harrowing effects. In 2004, while filming his film ‘Syriana’, the heartthrob broke his back.
The serious injuries left him bed-bound for painfully long periods, and left him with lasting psychological and emotional damage.
Speaking some time later about the taxing recovery process, he said: “I was at a point where I thought, I can’t exist like this. I can’t actually live. I was lying in a hospital bed with an IV in my arm, unable to move, having these headaches where it feels like you’re having a stroke, and for a short three-week period, I started to think, I may have to do something drastic about this. You start to think in terms of, you don’t want to leave a mess, so go in the garage, go in the car, start the engine. It seems like the nicest way to do it, but I never thought I’d get there.”
3. Jennifer Lawrence
J-Law has built a reputation around strong, kick-ass characters that take no prisoners. From Winter’s Bone to The Hunger Games, she’s shown she can be put through hell and still keep strong.
Even our beloved J-Law, however, is human like the rest of us. Her brush with the grim reaper was actually a freak accident.
Whilst filming ‘Mockingjay’, a smoke machine broke down and kept pumping toxic smoke into an enclosed space that Jennifer Lawrence was doing a scene in. She nearly choked on it before filming was halted and the crew were all evacuated. Phew. The film star reportedly suffered from nausea and vertigo following the incident.
This isn’t the first time Lawrence has been injured while filming a “Hunger Games” movie. The Oscar winner was on the set of “The Hunger Games: Catching Fire” when she reportedly badly injured her ear filming an underwater sequence. “I went deaf in one ear for months,” Lawrence revealed, adding, “I got all these ear infections from the diving and water and all that stuff, and then a jet from one of the cornucopia scenes punctured my eardrum.”
4. Jackie Chan
Our action heroes always feel as though they’re impervious to harm somehow. In fact, putting themselves at risk all the time makes these dangerous situations far more likely. Even action’s most beloved star, Jackie Chan, has been close to death.
When filming ‘Armour of God’ Chan jumped from a great height – in fact, as high as a castle – and onto a tree. But he missed the tree, and instead suffered a horrible crash to the ground. He received massive injuries to his skull, which cracked and had parts embedded into his brain.
Fortunately, the much loved star has since recovered with the aid of a plastic plate in his skull.
5. Jason Statham
You thought Sylvester’s plate to the neck was terrifying? ‘The Expendables’ seems to have taken a toll on all of its leading men.
This one’s almost more far fetched than the movies. Jason Statham managed to break out of a 60ft plunge into the Black Sea, while trapped in a three tonne truck.
You didn’t read any of that wrong. Stallone is reported as having said: “He faced death. He was test-driving a three-ton truck and the brakes run out. It went down 60ft into the Black Sea and became impaled. We would have drowned. But because Jason is an Olympic-quality diver he got out of it.“
Thank goodness Jason Statham had been a star swimmer – he competed for England in the 1990 Commonwealth Games long before he became a super star action hero
6. Isla Fisher
Not known for being in blockbuster action movies, Isla Fisher nonetheless came face to face with danger on a film set. While playing a magician’s assistant in ‘Now You See Me,’ Isla almost drowned during a scene in which she was underwater.
“They had a guy who was off camera, but he was a long way away with a can of oxygen. By the time I realized I couldn’t get up and beckoned for him, I realized that I had run out of air. Luckily, I managed to get free and stay level-headed and got out before it went even more horribly wrong.” The stuff of nightmares.
7. Johnny Depp
Depp played Tonto in “The Lone Ranger” and took the action to a completely new level with his near-death experience. While performing his own stunt, he fell off his horse. The rear hooves of the horse clipped his chest and left him very bruised. The difference between life and death was mere inches, as he narrowly avoided going under the galloping hooves.
8. Michael J. Fox
Michael J Fox made his name in the cult hit Back To The Future trilogy. He became a national heartthrob and his career and legacy have been treasured in the years since.
One little known story is that of his harrowing ordeal on set of Back to the Future Part 3, in which he was accidentally hung – for real.
The shot involved Fox’s character, Marty McFly, hanging with a noose around his neck before Doc saves him. Initially, the shot was acted with a box beneath him, but the director asked if he could try it without the box – to up the ante and create a sense of realism.
Eventually, he agreed – but on the seventh take, a mistake was made and he ended up unconscious for 30 seconds before the crew realised this was more than just incredible acting.
9. Jaimie Alexander
Jaimie Alexander experienced several severe injuries when filming “Thor 2.” She fell off a metal staircase and the injuries prevented her from filming for an entire month. She tore a rhomboid muscle, dislocated her left shoulder, had a slipped disc, and chipped 11 different spinal vertebrae.
10. Viggo Mortensen
On the set of Lord of the Rings: Two Towers, Mortensen, as Aragorn, had to float face-down along the river after being shot with arrows. In real life, the production crew didn’t realize how strong the current was. There was undertoe and Mortensen nearly drowned due to the weight of his costume.
11. 50 Cent
Although, he’s not an actor, but this incident is worth the mention. In 2000, 50 Cent proved he had more lives than any cat – surviving over nine gun shots in one go. His list of wounds include shots to the leg, the arm, his right thumb and even in his moneymaker – his mouth.
He didn’t let the event hurt his music career. He later said: “Ain’t nobody gonna tell you they ain’t scared in that situation. It’s a hit, man. You supposed to die in that situation. They’re not playing.“
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