Hanan Mahmoud Abdul Karim, 36, was admitted to a private hospital in
Amman, Jordan, for the operation on April 24th this year. She claims
that during the procedure, the doctor left his mobile phone in her
abdomen, Gulf News reports.
Her mother, Majeda Abdul Hamid, told local media that her daughter gave birth to a 4.8kg boy (10.5 lbs) and as all appeared to be well, she was sent home from hospital. But later, she claims her family noticed her stomach vibrating and she began suffering terrible pain.
“My daughter suffered serious pains and could not move,’ the mother is quoted as saying. “I brought her back to the hospital where she was treated but nothing was done for her.” Hanan was then allegedly rushed to the casualty department of Al Bashir public hospital, where X-rays revealed there was a foreign object in her abdomen, Daily Mail reports. She claims surgeons quickly operated to remove the phone. Her case was brought up in the Jordanian parliament, where parliament member Salim Al Bataynah called on the Jordanian government to resign as a result of the scandal
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