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Charleston Killer Had published His Manifesto On The Internet and Targeted South Carolina Due To Its Large Population of Blacks

The white guy who killed nine in a Black-American church in Charleston ,Dylann Roof apparently left a ranting, racist manifesto on the internet calling for a new civil war in America before staging his massacre in a church.

On The Last Rhodesian website,a document, seemingly written by Roof, 21, not long before the killings at the Emanuel AME Church emerged Saturday, and said he had 'no choice' but to carry out the massacre. On the site, he pinpoints Charleston, South Carolina, as his target because of its high proportion of blacks, bemoans that there is 'no real KKK' to help him, and claims he has 'no choice' but to act.
 The site also contained a cache of images of Roof burning the America flag, spitting on it, posing next to Confederate landmarks and standing menacingly with a gun pointed at the camera. In his rant, Roof said he was not raised racist, but realized after his own efforts that 'drastic action' was necessary to stop the U.S. being taken over by minorities.
In his rant, he said East Asians could be 'allies', some South Americans are 'worth saving'. He went further to say Jews count as whites but wants to 'destroy Jewish identity'
Roof has been charged with nine counts of murder and was in court Friday.
The victims in the shooting were (top row, left - right) DePayne Middleton-Doctor, Tywanza Sanders, Myrah Thompson, (center row) Ethel Lance, Susie Jackson, Sharonda Coleman-Singleton, (bottom row) Daniel Simmons, Clementa Pinckney and Cynthia Hurd



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