“Some people will not let you hear word when them own banga ripe. But as soon as your banga just show signs say e go soon ripe, they will start telling you of how much calories is inside Banga soup! But when they were eating their own Banga soup, with heavy balls of yellow eba and the kente-like soup was running down their palm and down on to their elbow, they could not spell calories talk less of how much was in the soup.”

Also,the Arsenal FC fan subtly shaded the heck outta Chelsea who lost to his club in Sunday’s standoff. He said:
“In such cases, with a level playing field, the goal is the same. You choose how you want to win it then. It’s like athletes preparing for a 100 meters dash. And when the gun blasted out to mark the beginning of the race, you had hopes of winning. You even came with your people to cheer you on to victory. Then by a twist of fate, better preparation, plus other factors, one of the 7 sprinters beat you to win the race. My dear athlete, this is not the time to say, the Canadian Open is not like IAAF tournament in the U.S. You ran and you lost. In any case, you were not a wild card. You had won in your heats to emerge one of the finalists,” he adds
The comedian also made allusion to the 10 maidens in the Bible who went to see the groom and had to wait, can’t blame anyone for not letting them see the groom.
“NA me talk say make UNA no carry extra oil? What I am trying to say in parable by perambulating is that… When Chelsea and Arsenal stepped onto the field… Never mind… you must have gotten my point by now. Go figure,” he concludes.
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