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World Most Popular Por'n Website Offers Kylie Jenner A New Job (Photo)

BRAZZERS, is arguably the most popular porrn website in the world..they are now setting their sights on Kylie Jenner as she turned 18. Below are responses by other porn stars, fans, and what Brazzers said about Kim as well responses by other porn stars, fans, and what Brazzers said about Kim!
The tweet which is now pinned to the top of the porn site's Twitter page has received a lot of attention garnering over 41,000 retweets and 38,000 favorites so far. One porn star replied “Wouldn’t that be awesome!” while someone else said, ''why not that’s how the rest of her fam got famous.” Despite some backlash from the tweet above (some people called it sexual harassment), the site still tweeted again saying:
This family tho!

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