Matured advice please!: “I have been married to my wife for six years now and we are living together. We have one child. Lately
, I noticed some strange behaviour from wife, like: her l.ibido has
increased to an alarming stage. Anytime I come home from work tired she
keeps disturbing me for s.ex which I find very worrisome until yesterday
when I was looking for something in my room, I came across a vi.brator. I am really confused. The
question is. .should I allow her continue using it as a substitute or I
should stop her before she gets used to using it ( my wife is a full
time house wife)?”
5 Insecurities You Project Unto Your Man That Turn Him OffHe’s doesn’t need to complain about you … you’re already busy criticizing yourself.Dear (those) ladies,I’m writing this with the utmost respect, but full disclosure, I’m committed to 100 percent honesty.Yes, I know most women…Read More
60 Percent Of Women Admit To Doing THIS Awful Thing During S EX Ladies, 60 percent of us are liars. As in, we’re liars in the bedroom.It doesn’t come as much of a surprise to hear findings that say 60 percent of women fake org asms. Nor is it shocking to hear the reasons why: we’re tired;…Read More
10 Signs You’re Addicted To Loving A CHEATERAnd the psychological reason you can’t get rid of him.You discover your man is cheating, and you know he’s bad for you. Your friends tell you to dump him, but the truth is, you still want him.If the pull is unbearably strong,…Read More
Reasons Why Men Are Hardly Ever SATISFI£D With One WomanI’ve always tried to understand why a man cannot make do with one woman. Each time he sees a beautiful or shapely chic, he’ll gawk at her, drool and even sometimes Uncloth and f^ck the chic in his wild imagination even when h…Read More
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