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Rihana & Kim Beaten Up After Landlord Discovered They Were G*y (See Photo)

Found this on Instagram, guys. Pictured below are Rihana & Kim from Uganda.
According to the story shared about them on the IG page, in early 2014, Rihana & Kim were evicted by their landlord when he found out they were g*y. They were forced from their home and severely beaten by there neighbours, local community. The police intervened, but arrested the victims of the violence rather than the attackers.

Rihana & Kim were charged with ‘committing h0mos3xuality’ and spent several months in prison awaiting trial. The couple told WhereLoveisIllegal:

    “We were arrested on 6th Jan 2014. We were taken to prison and we had hard life e.g we were beaten, forced to do hard work. We spent five months there and we came out but we are suffering a lot and we are not feeling well about the society.

    The reason why we were taken to prison is that we were charged of h0mos3xuality (or being g*ys).

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