What the h.eck is Cynthia Morgan wearing? lmao. Bae stepped into a
club in this outfit last night. According to her, she was looking fly as
fcuk but she literally set her IG page on fire when she shared a pic.
See more photos below .
All women are prost!tutes-Yoruba actress Bose Arowosegbe
Busty and controversial Yoruba actress Bose has said all women are prostitutes.Speaking to Vanguard on why she named her soon to be released movie ‘.She said it's to dispel rumours that actresses are prostitutes be…Read More
Jim Ike shares sexy bedroom pic
Hmmn is he trying to tell us what I think he's trying to tell us? Lol..'she knows what's coming ,King Anaconda '..Who's the lucky girl...
…Read More
Why I Am Addicted To Hats- Gideon Okeke Explains
Gideon Okeke has said the only
reason he is addicted to hats at his age is because he has a receding hair.
According to him, he uses the hat to cover up but occasionally
removes it while working. Lol, hear him;
What is …Read More
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