See These Secondary school girls
from Zambia,they are enjoying music and dancing this way, what has this
world turned into? What will they now do in the university. Watch Video below…..
Photo: See Pastor Touching A Lady’s ”Thing” During Prayer
Is it that, spiritually, something is really wrong with this lady who’s lying down or it is about her prívate area?Btw, if you look very well, that is if you have a very sharp set of eyes, you will observe that the guy stan…Read More
See What This Woman Did To Herself Because Of MoneyMrs Jimoh Mulikat Adebukola and her six-year-old twins were caught at Lagos Airport carrying 4.050 kg of substance confirmed as cocaine. She concealed 3.350kg in almost every part of her body, including on her chest and under…Read More
Female Student Sleeps With Her Lecturer To Pass Exam |PhotosThe thing is some of these lecturers are simply stupid.
They just keep firing all manner of girls not knowing the kind of
demons these ladies have in them, all in the name of helping them to
pass. A source said this happen…Read More
Japanese Company Launches World’s First Washable Mobile PhoneIt may look all shiny and new, but your smartphone is probably one of the filthiest things you own. The amount of bacteria and germs it carries is disgustingly huge, which is probably why a Japanese company is targeting germa…Read More
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