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19 Women Share The Weirdest, Grossest, Craziest Things They’ve Done For Their Best Friend

Good friendship most times disregard boundaries, and live as one person in two different bodies. This explains why some friends do for one another what some will never do for themselves. Here are 19 of the strangest and weirdest things some women have done for their friends:
1. Helped her find a condom that had slipped off during s*x and became stuck way up inside her
2. Pretended to be her grandmother to call and get her out of school, complete with creaky old lady voice
3. Looked at her poop to help decide if she was sick
4. Held her wedding dress while she changed her tampon so she wouldn’t get blood on it
5. Popped a pimple on her b*tt
6. Called an urgent care nurse line to describe the symptoms she was having, pretending to be her, because she was too embarrassed to call herself. She thought she had broken her “v**ina bone” after riding a mechanical bull
7. Helped her get a clove of garlic out of her v**ina after she lost it trying to treat a yeast infection naturally
8. Dug a seed out of her teeth with my fingernail because hers weren’t long enough to do it
9. Smelled her breath to see if she had “gross sick person breath” before her boyfriend came over to bring her dinner when she had the flu
10. Drank her chest milk. Just to see! I had to!
11. Gave her a bikini wax
12. Cleaned her dildo when we were house mates because she wanted it to go in the dishwasher and it was my turn to do dishes
13. Traded underwear with her in a bar bathroom because she had just started dating a new guy and realized she was wearing the exact same underwear she wore the last time they hooked up and she didn’t want him to think she hadn’t changed her underwear since then. I know it barely makes sense, but you don’t argue with the logic of a drunk BFF who is trying to get laid
14. Helped her clean bird poop out of her hair in a coffee shop bathroom
15. Made out with her boyfriend to prove – as she suspected – that he would cheat on her given the chance
16. Helped her sneak out of her own wedding introductions when she realized she didn’t want to go through with it
17. Saw a guy put something in her drink and obviously kept her from drinking it
18. Peed on her when she got a jellyfish sting at the beach
19. Sewed the crotch on a bodysuit costume after it ripped while she was wearing it
What is the craziest thing you have done for your friend(s)? Share in the comments box

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