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Pilot Offers Passengers S3x With Flight Attendant As Compensation For Delay

The Indonesian Ministry of Transportation on Monday received, one unusual complaint from the passengers of a Lion Air flight. The passengers reported that a pilot,had offered to compensate them for the flight delay, with s3xual services of a female flight attendant.

The passengers recounted,the incident,which took place on Saturday, during a flight from Surabaya to Bali. According to them, after delay of the flight's takeoff, the nasty pilot took to the loudspeakers to announce, his not-so decent compensation. The passengers also explained that during the entire flight, their ears were infiltrated with strange noises over the speaker system as well as moans coming from the cabin.

When confronted by some passengers, after the flight had landed in Bali, the pilot just laughed at them and made fun of the incident.

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