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5 Things That Happen When You Stop Having Regular S£X

Breakups, work, travel, work-related travel: There are a lot of reasons your S£X life may be stalled. And surprisingly, your dry spell in the sack can affect more than the number of times you wash your sheets. Remember that S£X is for the married, it is a sin to God outside marriage.
Here are five things that can happen when you go on a s’εxy-time hiatμs:
1. You’ll Feel More Anxious
Fact: S’εx helps people blow off steam. Scottish researchers found that people who abstained from s’εx struggled to cope with stressful situations like public speaking—more than those who had intεrcoμrse at least once over a two-week period. Weird, right? Here’s how it works: During s’εx, the brain releases feel-good chemicals, such as endorphins and oxytocin, which help you feel more at ease. Try to make up for that relaxing roll in the hay by rolling out your yoga mat.
2. You’re More Susceptible to Colds and Flu
Less s’εx may reduce your exposure to germs, and unfortunately, you’ll also miss out on the immune-boosting benefits of a weekly bump and grind.
Researchers at Wilkes-Barre University in Pennsylvania found that people who had s’εx once or twice a week enjoyed a 30 percent boost in an antibody that serves as the body’s first line of defence against viruses, compared with those who had s’εx rarely or never, according to the study.
3. Your Risk for a UTI Drops
Nearly 80 percent of urinary tract infections occur within 24 hours of intεrcoμrse, according to a study published in the journal American Family Physician. During s’εx, bacteria in the vag!na can end up pushed into the urethra, where it causes an infection. So on the bright side, when you stop having s’εx, your risk for the painful peeing condition plummets, which is a huge bonus.
4. If You’re in a Relationship, It Might Get Weird
Not having s’εx can take a toll on your relationship security, say experts. “Going without s’εx in a relationship can impact your self-esteem and decrease levels of oxytocin or other bonding hormones,” says Les Parrott, Ph.D., a psychologist and author of Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts. It can also increase fears that one of you will look to others for your s’εxμal needs.
However, Parrott points out that a s’εx-free period in a relationship doesn’t mean you can’t be happy. Since s’εx is just one expression of int!macy for couples, kissing, handholding, and giving compliments can help you feel connected with your partner emotionally even if you’re not spending time connecting physically.
5. You May Feel Down in the Dumps, But Not for the Reason You Think
According to a study in the journal Archives of Sεxμal Behaviour, women feel more depressed the longer they go without having s’εx. But it may not be the lack of s’εx that got them down. The study team found that women whose partners wore C0ND0MS felt just as blue. The researchers say some compounds found in sεmεn including melatonin, sεrotonin, and oxytocin may have mood-boosting benefits for women who have unprotected intεrcoμrse. Of course, there are plenty of drawbacks to unprotected s’εx, too. (Call it a double-edged manhood?)
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