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This Is The Wicked State Of Nigeria Prisons (Hell on Earth), Also Watch The Video

Nigeria prison, make sure you never get there coz it’s chaotic out there. Stay out of trouble.. I watched the video, really felt bad about how wicked humanity can be. Tears dropped off my eyes. 

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  1. Anonymous7:29 am

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  2. Anonymous11:21 pm

    Hehehehehehehe! What do you mean by "make sure you never get there coz it’s chaotic out there"? I spent 12 year inside that place for offence I did commit. Prison is another country in a contry. Every activities happening here outside the prison walls are taken place there, except sexual activities with opposite sex and restrictions of freedom. Though it was a bitter experience but I think that is the only way I could come to spritual maturity before God. It exposes you to mysetries of life. It makes you more stronger. But anyone can fine himself there, just pray if God will punish you, not with prison but with something else. A lot of offences everyone of us commit everyday even in our owned homes that you're ignorance of. To make it worst, Law dont want to know if you're ignorant or a day old baby or a 100 years old woman, infact locking up a day old baby in a prison makes it so sweet, telling you that the older ones will die of the sword of the law and that law has no respect of any f*king Nigerian. Am happy am a better man now! And have you seen the statue symblising "LAW" once? Check any Lawyer's dairy, it's there...it doesnt have eyes and holding a sword...meaning: "I dont have eyes, so I dont know who made me...even if a day old baby cross my lane, I will mark him or her with my sword". But Nigeria symbol of law should have eyes wide open, because Nigeria dont have law. But prison is good! I think that is the only solution for Nigeria to be better. If am allowed to be a president of Nigeria for just 3 months, I will strip all that corrupt muderfucker politician leaders off their freedoms from them and lock them up. Nigeria will become New York! Prison?! That is the oppsite of Aso Rock...24/7 maximum security is a guarantee.

    1. Anonymous4:07 pm

      Wow!!! Amazing!! "maximum security is guarantee" This is big!

  3. nawa ooooooooooooooooooooooo
