The researchers asked over 70 heteros.exual women whether they were more likely to reach orgasm during masturbation, foreplay, or intercourse. They also wanted to know how noisy the women were during these different se.xual activities and the reasons why.
All of the women in the study said they made noise in bed, whether it was screaming out their partner’s name, telling him to go faster or harder, or moaning with pleasure. But the researchers were in for a surprise when they compared how noisy women were when they reached org.asm.
The women were more likely to climax during foreplay – like when their partner gave them oral s.ex – compared to intercourse. And it wasn’t when they were coming that they were most likely to make noise
When it comes to moaning and screaming, they made a lot more noise when they were having s.ex, right before and during their partner’s org.asm. Yes, the reason most women make noise in bed is to turn on their partner. In fact, almost 80 percent said they make noise even when they know there’s no chance they’re going to reach org.asm themselves.
All that hollering is mainly to stroke their guy’s ego. It doesn’t necessarily mean a girl’s in ecstasy. In fact, it could mean just the opposite. Women also say that moans and screams are one way to hurry s.ex along when you’re not particularly enjoying it.
Read Also: Tips: How To Delay Ejaculation To Last Longer In Bed
Yup, women can and do use their voice to control how their guy feels during s.ex and when he climaxes, the researchers conclude. And why do they do it? To ‘manipulate male behavior to their advantage’.
Boosting her guy’s s.ex self-esteem by making lots of noise could help strengthen the bond between a woman and her partner, the researchers hypothesise. But there’s also the advantage of speeding up a guy’s org.asm if she’s in pain, just plain bored, or ready to roll over and go to sleep.
Subtle signs
So guys, if you really want to please her, don’t go by the big performance, look for the subtle signs of ecstasy. And girls, nice of you to cheer him on like that, but don’t forget to show and tell what really makes you go wild…
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