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School Bans Students From Wearing Leggings To Stop Teachers Being Distracted

In a bid to stop teachers and other students from being distracted, a school in the United State has banned students from wearing leggings, yoga pants and skinny jeans.  

However, students are not happy about the new rule.

Senior student, Mariah Fixen said: “I’m not feeling hot about it, because that’s what everyone wears, that’s their whole wardrobe. “So, basically sweat pants every day is what they’re asking for.

“In some cases, where there will be young male teachers and they can’t tell you, of course, that what you’re wearing is distracting or anything.

“So, they have to get a female teacher to tell you. Especially when they’re so young and vulnerable, and you’re still learning who you are.

“I think that they should be able to wear what they’re comfortable in as long as it’s reasonable.
In a bizarre twist, the assistant principal said they had the girls watch two clips from the movie
“Pretty Woman” and compared their attire to the main character – who is a prostitute – to see if they were appropriately dressed .

Many people are saying that more effort should be put into addressing important issues such as bullying. 

Student, Taylor Gilbertson said: “Online stuff and people tweeting about each other is a bigger issue. 

“They should be focusing more on that and not dumb stuff like yoga pants. We should be able to wear whatever we want.”

The assistant principal said that this new policy is not meant to objectify girls and to stop boys from focusing on something other than class work.


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