Tiwa Savage & Tunji Balogun
It seems that this autumn will be full of unexpected events like
divorces of rather popular couples. September presented to us at least
three such split ups.
As for this couple – its story ended happily. There were stories that she fired his husband from the position of her manager and hired another guy. There were also other stories about the troubles of the new-married couple. But then all the negative rumors were debunked. The couple is still together and still happy.
2. Pastor Chris Oyakhilome & Rev. Anita
Pastor Chris Oyakhilome & Rev. Anita
The rumors about their break up started in May 2014. Then some
members of the Christ Embassy started a campaign “Where is Rev. Anita
Oyakhilome?”. But there was no answer. Only on the beginning of
September we were informed that the couple broke up. Nobody knows the
true reasons, but according to words of Chris Oyakhilome, his wife was
trying to usurp power and authority above her seniors in the ministry.3. Philps Ehiagwina & Ini Edo
Philps Ehiagwina & Ini Edo
The marriage of a popular actress crushed at the end of summer 2014.
But the information about it leaked just at the end of September. There
were plenty of rumorc concerning the reasons. The most popular version
was that the wife cheated her husband. But some time ago Inin Edo
commented herself the true reasons of divorce on her page in the social
media:She mentioned that they are really divorces now, but that all the rumors about cheating and violence
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