Research has revealed that Kim Kardashian’s butt, is the most requested among women seeking ‘bottom augmentation’.
Kim Kardashian’s bottom reigns supreme, she had 45% of the total
requests for ‘bum enhancing procedures’ in the last 12 months, beating
Kylie Minogue and Beyonce to second and third places respectively.
The research says that Kim’s butt has become one of the biggest
trends in cosmetic surgery and is now commonly referred to simply as
‘The Kim’.
According to a plastic surgeon who commissioned the research, Prof.
Fuat Yuksel. “Kim has been popular among women seeking bottom
augmentation or “Brazilian butt lifts” as they are more commonly known,
for a few years, but in the last 12 months we’ve had a massive rise in
the number asking for a Kim Kardashian bum.”
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