Sometimes, based on certain observations, you can just tell if a woman will be good in bed. Or, more accurately, good in bed with you.
You may not always be right, but like so many of The Player’s
techniques, observing her body language and s*xual signals closely will
help you at least improve your odds of getting what you’re looking for —
a good time.
Below you’ll find a few things you should look out for.
She’s a good kisser
It takes all kinds. If you like the way she kisses you, then she’s good for you.
It takes all kinds. If you like the way she kisses you, then she’s good for you.
She’s a good dancer
Even if you’re not, the way she moves her body vertically may be an indicator of her horizontal skills.
Even if you’re not, the way she moves her body vertically may be an indicator of her horizontal skills.
She’s flexible
She could be a yoga instructor, a ballerina, a contortionist… basically, these allow for more possibilities in bed.
She could be a yoga instructor, a ballerina, a contortionist… basically, these allow for more possibilities in bed.
She gives seductive looks
she cocks an eyebrow, or offers other flirtatious or coy looks. Hell,
maybe she’s undressing you with her eyes. A woman’s regard is the most
important indicator — of her intentions, her anticipation, and her
confidence, which is directly related to her skill. Both the amount of
eye contact she offers and the type are important.
She enjoys tasting her food
won’t always get a chance to see a woman work over an ice cream cone or
provide some other obvious oral showcase. Still, whenever things are
going in her mouth, she has an opportunity to employ the oldest of
s*xual metaphors. What does she do with this situation? Does she
handle/cut up the food daintily? Does she put it in her mouth sensually?
Animalistically? Absent-mindedly? Does she chew like a lady, or like a
dog? Does she even seem aware of the messages she’s conveying, like it
or not? If not, she may not be interested in you in a sexual way.
She talks about s*x
often makes s*xual references and discusses what she likes does in bed.
If she does it too much, however, she may be overcompensating, and
could just be a tease. Does she seem to know what she’s talking about?
The important thing is that she be open to talking about it, or better
yet (because it’s more subtle), that s*xual innuendo not put her off.
She doesn’t talk too much
speaking, I’ve noticed a bit of an inverse correlation between
chattiness and bedroom skills. That is, they might be more used to
impressing with their words than their actions, or may even be
consciously trying to compensate for one with the other. Quieter women,
on the other hand, are often demons in the sack. They prefer to express
non-verbally… although they get vocal when you get them in the right
spot. Put another way, if the woman won’t be quiet, do you want to deal
with that during foreplay, or especially after run-of-the-mill s*x?
What she suggests as a date
applies if you’ve taken down her number and then arrange a date with
her. A woman who is not afraid to go to a bar where there’s dancing
probably has more confidence, for example. Likewise for a woman who
suggests something unconventional for a date. If she suggests something
more platonic, like lunch, she’s deliberately taking it slow because
she’s still uncomfortable — with you, with herself, or some combo
She’s touchy-feely
If she initiates
physical contact or reciprocates yours, she understands that the earlier
you start the s*xual vibe, the more time tension has to build, and the
bigger the eventual release. She may touch your shoulder, caress your
arm and/or hold your hand when she leans in close and talks to you.
She works out
conditioning is fundamental to good s*x. It affects stamina, position
possibilities and, of course, physical confidence. After physical
chemistry, probably the biggest factor that goes into whether you’ll
have good s*x with someone is the physical shape you’re both in. After
all, it’s not only for aesthetic reasons that men today admire tight abs
and strong thighs in a woman.
Read a woman’s signs
if a woman gives off a s*xual vibe in any of the ways mentioned here,
remember that these are just signs, not foolproof clues toward a single,
invariable rating of her s*xual skills. Also remember that what works
for one guy isn’t always another guy’s cup of tea.
Every woman
is an individual, using (or not using) these signs in different ways
and combinations to paint a portrait of her libido and the skills behind
it. Therefore, use the signs with caution, as they offer no guarantee
of a good time for you personally.
Only experience will tell you what kind of experience you like in others
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