Hehehe oyinbos and their ideas of looking for other people
when their partners breakup with them. Remember the young man that
took another girl for free to about five different countries after his girlfriend broke up with
him few days to their purported world trip? Well this
is very similar too. Lol read.
After being jilted three times, a man who tried to auction
his ex-fiancée's honeymoon place has finally found a holiday partner.
John Whitbread, 32, who split from his fiancée six weeks to their
wedding, was determined not to go on the honeymoon alone and so auctioned off
his partner's place to women only on eBay.
He put the £1,800 trip to the Dominican Republic on eBay in
the hope of finding a female companion, which he eventually found.
The two highest bidders at first failed to pay the winning sum,
John then sold £10 raffle tickets which worked, and the lucky winner drawn out
of a hat has agreed to jet off with him.
The "Jilted John" raffle raised £1,420 and John
says the money will be donated to Cancer, despite still taking the said girl on
the trip.
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