Kim Kardashian has revealed her comment about 'buying' her sister's
career was targeted at Kourtney, not Kendall.In a teaser for the 10th
season of Keeping Up With The Kardashians, Kim is heard saying: 'I'm not
buying her shoes, I bought her a f***ing career!'She was then slammed
for being jealous of her 18 year old sister who many say unlike Kim,is actually famous for something..
Kim to in Los Angeles Friday.
Kim to in Los Angeles Friday.
'That was not about Kendall. It hurt me when people thought I would say that about her. 'Kourtney was being a little difficult with me.'I'm her(Kendall) biggest cheerleader - we talk all the time,.She does ask Kanye for advice and I do think he has been influential in helping her and guiding her with decisions.We're family, that's what we are here for.'
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