Amber Rose is still carrying that giant tattoo of her ex-husband rapper
Wiz Khalifa's face on her arm. She's pictured above at singer Meghan
Trainor's album release party on Tuesday night in Hollywood.
The Saddest Bride Ever
Kheda Goilabiyeva, 17,who was forced to marry an ally of Chechen warlord Ramzan Kadyrov after apparently being threatened with kidnap if she did not comply looked
glum all through the day that is usually every woman'…Read More
Omotola and Daughter Become Knorr Ambasadors
The beautiful actress and daughter, Meraiah are just the perfect choice
for the Mother-daughter campaign to sensitise people on the
Iron-deficiency Anaemia in mothers and teenage girls championed by Knorr
who also launch…Read More
PHOTOS: See Fan Who Cried Uncontrollably Over M.I At Akwa
So I heard this young lady was in the crowd over the weekend
when M.I performed some of his hit singles and she couldn't help but cry
The host of the event, Do2tun noticed her and invited her on stage…Read More
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