Following the Twitter rants between Wizkid and Young Skales
yesterday, a beautiful lady, Seun who the latter tags as his babe,
tweeting from @_sasay has hit back on the Ojuelegba crooner. Young
Skales had in his tweet said, “Live witout pretending,Love witout
dependin,Listen witout defendin, Speak witout u babe 4
startin from d bottom wit me @_sasay.”

Queen S
In @_sasay’s tweets directed at Wizkid, she said, “Skales cant blow
bla bla bla, but yall can’t keep his name outta your lips?!! Am getting
u.Don’t stop talking though. That nigga is gonn be around for a longgggg
while.But this guy was standing right in front of us yesterday. Scared
af and unlooking… LOL. We all can see who the f*** boy is though. Why
all the blabbing.Babe they wish they can make you sad @youngskales Lmao
when iv got you? Nahh.
“Before you tweet trash about someone’s hustle, think first, has your
hustle paid? How much do u fucking make? Can you afford a girl like
me?The poor boy helped him so he can reciprocate the love when he got
out there. But no!! Little selfish sloth.God blessed you to bless
others, but no, as if na only you waka come. Stop the f***ing
pretense.Don’t bring emotions into business. My baby learnt the hard
way. Hustle for ya self alone! Nobody gat u like you!!”
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