As announced by Prof Asiabaka, VC of FUTO, who is the returning officer for Anambra state
AA - 547
ACPN - 1,259
AD - 475
ADC - 534
APA - 2303
APC - 17926
CPP - 1279
HOPE - 357
KOWA - 311
NCP - 887
PDP - 660, 762
PPN - 537
UDP - 286
UPP - 1121
Total valid votes - 688584
Rejected votes - 14,825
Total votes cast - 703,409
Singer, Celine Dion’s Husband Angelili Dies At 73
Celine Dion’s husband Rene Angelili has died at 73.
The singer released a statement on Thursday to People magazine which read: ‘Rene Angelil, 73, passed away this morning as his home in Las Vegas after a long and cou…Read More
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