This is so true and even much
more. He is the only game changer. Asin God is the only one that can take you from
nobody to somebody. Hear her:
There is nothing like watching the
LORD change ur Heart. You just don't think the way you used to think,GOSH only
He can do such...
My heart can finally sing that
"there's no other Name, Jesus, Jesus." He changed my heart from
bitterness & hurt to peace & trust. Only HE can take a wicked heart
& make it sensitive to Him. So, if you're struggling with worrying, fear or
just a bitter heart, continue to give it to the Lord & be intentional about
sitting before Him. One must win & as you pursue Christ/life, there will be
no room for that mess. Just don't quit, even if you don't see the value in
living for Jesus. It's
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