The other day, Nicki showed off her thong and many thought it was a mistake and she was unaware..From the look of things, Nicki Minaj plans to start her own new trend"Thong display".The star took a photo by her Maybach window and this is what she had to say
See some cute pool side party selfies below
Sitting on the window of my maybach. A man ran up to my car at the light banging on the window askin my driver how can he rent the car. I rolled down my back window, tilted my shades down and said "this shit aint for rent playboy". I tilted my shades back up, slowly rolled windows back up n told my driver "let's go".#BossHope that trend stays in Vegas and doesn't find its way to Naija..Afterall, as they say,what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas..
See some cute pool side party selfies below

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