You see if you do a job like mine,
you have to be an internet stalker and I mean you have to stalk them at all
times. You have to always also pay attention to every photo you see, lol no
time. How did I know Anna is enjoying and having the fun of her life at her
boyfriend’s place this weekend? Well this is how Anna shot herself on the foot,
oh may be she doesn’t care lol. Well here is it…
If you
know Flavour so well, you will know that he loves dogs!! And yes we know the
names of his dogs even without meeting them in person. They are Miley and Nikki.
So Anna just posted a photo of herself with Miley and says Hi Miley.
Immediately we saw the photo of Anna and the dog, we immediately knew she was
at Flavours place, but then we have to be double sure, so we went down Flavours
page and found a photo of him and his dogs – Miley and Nikki and that’s how we
got to know that’s where mom to be, Anna Ebiere is spending her weekend.
Hopefully, Flavour will sha do, and walk her down the aisle. You can’t have two
ex-beauty queens as your baby mamas, oh no you can’t, a lot of men wants to
take them in, except the stick is sweet, asin sweet with a long double eeee and
tttt… common Flavourrr… Lol
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