He doubled-down on his earlier plan to build a wall along the U.S.-Mexican border.
"I like Mexico. I love the Mexican people. I do business with the Mexican people, but you have people coming through the border that are from all over. And they're bad. They're really bad,You have people coming in, and I'm not just saying Mexicans, I'm talking about people that are from all over that are killers and rapists and they're coming into this country," he maintained.
The real estate mogul revisited his socially conservative views on abortion and marriage with awareness that they are difficult for many to understand given his personal history of being married thrice and divorced twice. He said:
"I'm (for) traditional marriage.I have a good wife now,My (first) two wives were very good. And I don't blame them, but I was working 22 hours a day."
Trump shared his plan to bomb the oil fields of Iraq to end ISIS's funding source, and his lack of respect for the Iraqi government in part because of their relationship with Iran. He said;
"I don't care about the government of Iraq. They're corrupt. The government of Iraq is totally corrupt."
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