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He Wants The German Juice! BurnaBoy Reveals He'd Rather Cynthia Morgan Than Chidinma Ekile

 Dancehall superstar Burnaboy has revealed that if given the choice between pop singer Chidinma and dancehall act Cynthia Morgan, he would choose the latter as his personal female preference. The 24 year-old made this and several other juicy revelations on this week’s episode of MTV Base Real Talk which is a one on one question and answer platform hosted by MTV VJs, Ehiz and Stephanie where fans connect with their favorite celebrities by asking questions via social media; No questions are off-limits- secrets, guilty pleasures, old memories, phobias and everything is brought on the table.

Responding to the question from Twitter user @mysizzledizzle “What kinda girl do you like: calm like Chidinma or wild like Cynthia Morgan?” he replied ‘I think I’ll go with Cynthia Morgan’ before quickly adding ‘I mean I would have them both‘.

Burnaboy also took some time out to address his controversial tweet about the 2015 MTV MAMA. Clarifying his intention for putting up the post, he said ‘Usually, I don’t get affected by awards but I saw that my fans were really affected and if it affects my fans, then it affects me deeply’. Responding to @oluwasparklesni’s tweet about whether or not he had been stabbed before he said, ‘You see? Clean. No scars’, while raising his shirt for the camera to see.

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