I have never read any of this persons articles because I see
him as an unabashed seeker of relevance especially where his failure in his
original calling is so apparent, so to keep in the public eye, he resorts to
penning shallow and not carefully thought out nonsense which only tickles the
fancy of the barely literate and ignorant people like himself.
However, I was asked by a friend to go through this his last
article in which he chronicles his reason why men cheat. The arrogance of it
all makes me feel like puking and the lack of careful understanding of the
issues that lead to 'men cheating' was more than obvious in the whole waste of
time he has called an article.
This was a major rehash of beer parlor talk. I am sure in
his joblessness, he has toured around in his one brown double breasted suit
listening to the litany of crass jokes passed by near drunk sailors on the very
sensitive relations between men and women and not possessing the deep
intellectual faculties needed to decipher fact from sailors talk has scribbled
this down as scientific reasons why men cheat.
I abhor this article even if I dare state that there is no
general reason that can universally explain why men cheat or even women for
that matter. Each case should be looked at from the prism of the unique
situation and explain it from that point. Putting a total blanket on it reeks
of utter stupidity and drunken melancholy. Having access to various popular
social media platforms doesn't give anybody the right to be this stupid.
Etcetera’s Last Article Reeks Stupidity, Having Access To
Social Media
I could not bring myself to finish the article and here is
me hoping that he redeemed himself at the end, but judging from what I had read
from the top, I doubt. Seizing on the Toke episode to spew such inanities is
the height of wickedness. Me self I yabbed Toke when it happened, but in a
lighter mode, because I could feel her pain and the pressure having to go
through that kind of mess in the public eye.
Women are very sensitive in nature. They must be loved and
protected and when these things happen as they are bound to happen, a safety
net should be woven around them to console, comfort and wean them out of the
pain instead of casting a net of fallacy and fronting it with intellectually
bereft morons like this Etcetera person.
I have cheated in the past and it was not because I am 'a
man' and because It's my nature simply by my sex but because I was childish and
plain stupid. I saw the pain in the eyes of the victim, I saw a strong woman
withdraw into her shell with shame written all over her. I saw a woman who had
given me her life and birthed children for me, go from a proud and confident
woman to zombie, loosing her essence and wishing death. Many nights I cried
myself to sleep on the couch, many times I hated myself for causing such
wickedness to another beautiful human being and have prayed to be given an opportunity
to make amends. This I feel may never happen as the pain has been etched deeply
and I am still in the cold almost five years after.
So Mr, etcetera or is it coma you call yourself, you
sado-masochist diatribe has not sat down with me and millions of real men and I
dare say you have not represented us in this position but yourself and yourself
I have spoken.
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