1 *What’s with the shoes? And the perfumes?-men understand that your shoes have to match or compliment whatever you wear but do you really need all those pairs of shoes? A dozen is more than enough but, no, you want a dozen dozens. Really? How complicated can color matching be? White goes with black and black goes with everything else – most of the times. But, no, it has to be solid colour for solid colour, shade for shade, stripes for stripes, and polka dot for polka dot. Really?And then there is the perfume. As if it is not hard enough for men to understand why you need all those pairs of shoes.
2 *Initiate s*x, sometimes-men have noidea how much they want a lady to initiate s*x.The thing about this is that when you initiate it, you make the man to feel wanted and that adds a lot of currency to their self-confidence. Feeling wanted by you means that you are still attracted to them, And that they are still the one you want after all this time. Of course men kind of know that already, but it helps to be reminded now and then of how important they are to you.
3 *What do you really mean when you say ‘Fine’?- okay’, or ‘do whatever you think is right’? men have come to notice that you, actually, get angry when they go ahead and do that about which you said ‘fine’ or ‘okay’ or ‘do whatever you think is right’.What is more confusing to men is that there are times when your ‘fine’ really means ‘fine’ and your ‘okay’ is really ‘okay’. But apparently, in woman-speak some words or phrases have contradictory meanings depending on a woman’s mood, time or place. The challenge for men is to figure out when you are using which ‘fine’ or the rest of your ‘special’ vocabulary.
4 *Be s*xy for them- Some men would be very pleased if their woman did a str!p tease for them with pole and all. Others would prefer a catwalk or a la-p dance. The thing is that all men feel great when their woman does something s*xy for them – puts on a s*xy dress at home, or indeed l!ngerie. Most women would find no issue with putting on l!ngerie or wearing some s*xy dress just for their man. some may find doing a str!p tease demeaning. That is why men never ask because they do not want you to feel demeaned.
5 * Men are afraid to ask you to lose weight- men understand and appreciate the fact that a woman’s day is always full as you try to be the best you can be for your husband, the children and even your office. They know that you are, practically, a hamster on the wheel, always doing something and finding something to do the very moment you get some free time. They know how hard it can be for you to spare an hour of your time to go to the gym a couple of times a week.
6 * Special bedroom services-Once in a while for no reason at all a man would like for you to give him a quick!e.Like just come over lock the doors, grab the remote control, pull up your dress, straddle us, unzip his trousers, take him inside you and proceed to do so until he c0mes. Then plant one big kiss on his mouth, get off and proceed to the kitchen or any other job you were doing.
7 * Why do you buy food you will not eat?- They are healthy foods but including a bag of oranges, a dozen apples, a dozen tangerines and two dozens of bananas on the groceries is not a very good idea for a household of two people. More so when the batch that you bought last month and the one before that all ended in the trash.Menare not against you eating healthy foods whenever you catch a bout of healthy living as you usually do at the beginning of the year. In fact they love it and pray that you will stay on the plan.
8 * How about showing some affection in public?- Every man becomes a king when his lady hooks her hand into his elbow as they walk or stand in public. But much as they would like you to do that, it is kind of a difficult thing for them to ask. It is okay, for a woman to ask to be held but, somehow, it sounds sissy when a man does it.So, now, that you know, remember to slip your hand into him as you walk into the mall, give him a kiss to.
9 * Can we record ourselves having s*x?-men know that it is very easy for anyone to find your s*x video and post it on Youtube or Facebook for the whole world to see. But the truth remains that watching a s*x film of you really turns them on. Men do not know why but it really does.
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