I am a single mother with two sons, I happen to have lost my job early this year when the private company I used to work for cut down on staff due to financial difficulties, I’ve constantly been trying to look for a job in vain. Times were getting harder and I thought it wise to start some small business, this would only have been possible if I borrowed a loan. So I approached a certain guy working with KCB Bank so that she could advise me on chances of securing a loan from a bank, At first he was very supportive and told me that I just needed to get two authentic guarantors, which I did.
He gave me several forms which I filled and it was even commissioned by an advocates’ stamp, raising my hopes to the roof. At this point is where he requested for my number so that he could be notifying me on the process of the loan approval that was pending at this stage, I gladly did has he seemed to have been the messiah in my life which seemed to have been doomed for the better part of the year little did I know I was making the deal with the devil himself. He started calling frequently and the talk changed from professionalism to those calls of just checking on me, which I didn’t mind anyway has it was this guy who had been helping all through and I took it as a kind gesture.
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