Your fans have been missing your face on screen. What has been happening to you?
Before now, I made a promise to Nigerians that I would not be part of a production that has no substance. So, the first movie I did last year was Stigma and as I speak with you now, Stigma has 9 nominations at the just concluded Africa Movie Academy Award, AMAA, and other platforms. The film was awesome. I still insist on maintaining the standard. That’s why it looks as if I have not been regular on screen.At a point you dumped acting for politics?
I never left the industry. I was doing other projects. I shot a documentary for educational purposes. A lot of things happened at a time, I needed to go back to school and pursue my masters degree. I also needed to give back to my society. But that does not mean that when I see a good script, I won’t grab it.
Tell us about the movie that brought you to limelight?
The first movie I shot was Jezebel, but Evil Passion was my first movie to be released into the market. It was released in 1992 during my youth service.
What’s your impression about the emerging trends in Nollywood?
Nollywood is the biggest brand in Africa at the moment. It’s the third largest in the world. So, it can only get better. The industry is big and if you have been following the trend in the industry, you would notice that there are three different kinds of movies that are currently being shot in Nigeria. We have the films that are shot for the open market. We also have the films that are shot for cinema screening and cable stations as well as the ones that are shot for travelling and export like what Kunle is doing right now. So, Nollywood is expanding and practitioners are fitting into the different categories.
But are you comfortable with the new development, where Nigerians are preferring to watch foreign programs like Telemundo in place of our local productions?
When I was young, we used to watch soaps like Telemundo. We also had our local soaps that were equally captivating. But why would our local television station buy foreign content for what ever amount like Telemundo, instead of empowering an independent producer to produce similar television series? Telemundo is a TV series. That’s why we need to hold our TV stations responsible for not encouraging our arts and culture. They should try and fund this type of production.
When you look back from where you started, would you say the culture of storytelling has been eroded by the advent of western cultures?
Personally, what you consider to be good, may not be so to another person. If you look at the way the world is going, you would probably understand why we have the things that are making the rounds. If you watch at least 70 percent of the musical videos we have today, they sell only three things: sex, alcohol and glamour.
And that’s what people are interested in watching, and so it is not about patronage. Those who produce visuals are also towing the line. They are saying, if sex is selling in audio, it might also sell in video. That’s why you see this dovetailing of sex, glamour, drugs and alcohol thriving in our musical videos. Unfortunately, fans are not rejecting this ugly trend. In fact, if they do, then those who are selling them wouldn’t continue to be in business. Like I always say whenever I’m opportune to comment on our local music.
Nigerian music at the moment have no lyrics. Instead, it is only rhythm and noise. And then the next thing you see is the video selling sex, alcohol and drugs. I think, it is the global trend that is affecting the local market. This is because people seem to go with a particular trend and I don’t like that personally.
What has fame done to you?
I have enjoyed a lot of love, goodwill, favour, open doors and warm reception. I am one of the very few people who have actually enjoyed so much as a result of what they do for a living. And so, I do the best I can every time the opportunity presents its self. This is because I know I do not only represent myself, I represent the rest of Nigeria and Africa at large. So, I can’t let them down. I must give my best shot all the time.
On how well she interpreted sad roles, such as a widow or depressed
mother, which often made fans wonder if she was actually acting her real
life experiences
Nobody prays for those experiences. God forbid, I am not a widow and I have never been a widow. I am happily married and I am enjoying my children.
On the secret of her ageless look
I just live a healthy life. I don’t drink and I don’t smoke. I don’t eat unhealthy food. I only eat what my body needs and not what is available for me. Meaning that if at any particular time I’m hungry and all I can eat is very little, I eat that little and I don’t force it. Again, I take a lot of liquid and plenty of water. I don’t know what is responsible but I think basically, I look the way I look because right inside of me, I am extremely thankful and a happy person.
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